I was spending some time with a couple friends yesterday, when my son found some paint and asked if he make a painting (the 3rd one of the day!).  We all became inspired to do our own after we saw the fun bunny he had produced and jumped right in!

As I was working on mixing new colors, I started thinking about how there was Nothing I would rather be doing in that moment.  I am so thankful to have a small child around that is constantly teaching and reminding me how good it feels to prioritize my play time!  I am also extremely thankful for the fun and awesome friends I have surrounded myself with who also value playing and creating and who don't mind stepping outside their comfort zones for the sake of having Fun!
A dear friend and I were having a conversation yesterday about feeling insecure in relationships. 

This is what we came up with:

When we're feeling insecure in our relationships, a lot of us will look at our partner and what he or she needs to give us in order to make us feel more secure (like "he doesn't tell me I'm beautiful" or "he doesn't appreciate me").  But security is not something someone else can give us.  True confidence is internal.

The more helpful question we should be asking is not "Does my Partner think I'm awesome?" but "Do I think I'm awesome?"  If the answer is "yes", then you are correct and you probably weren't feeling insecure to begin with.  If the answer is "no", then get happy because you just discovered the source of your problem!  Its not your partner, your family, or anyone else.  Its you! 

The good news is you can Always change You!  In fact, you are one of the only things whose change you can really control.  So have fun with your design! 

Here's to the Awesomeness that you are, and are becoming!

Last night I went to an art museum opening and the number of people that showed up was incredible. Yes, the free food may have helped but knowing that such a wide variety of people in my town were being exposed to the work of artists (some of worldwide reputation and others local) felt great.

While the arts will not always create a "feel good" feeling,  they will expand your perspective, stretch your heart or make you think about what you can do. Well, for me, that's fun too :)

Some will have fun while playing sports. Some will have fun having sex. Others will have fun while meditating.

How you have fun does not matter, what matters is that you do. 

I won't lie to you, I am not a scientist, nor any kind of researcher. But I am an avid reader and observer. And here is what I noticed:

People who are bored or are sad and don't try to get out of this emotional state will only increase it to the point of depression.
People who have fun attract more fun.
People who have fun are healthier. Kids get over their illnesses much faster than adults because they are always looking for the next source of fun.
Fun feels good, and let's face it, what else do we want out of life?

So for your own good, go have fun. Sing your favorite song out loud. Dance the silly dance you did in college. Tell your favorite joke. Even if you have to do it in the bathroom while at work (yes, do it at work please), the results will blow you away. 

And to support some of my ideas here, check out this TED talk: