First story of the blog.
When I was in college I would go to parties and pretend I was drunk. There were several reasons for this facade:
1 - All parties served beer and at the time, fresh from Europe, I only drunk wine
2 - I had heard horror stories of girls who got abused while drunk, so I felt safer knowing I was sober
3 - I quickly noticed that if you did not drink, people thought you were strange. And well, at the time, I admit it, I wanted to fit in.
So I would hold a beer in my hand for the duration of the whole party and acted drunk. While this was originally for protection and conformity, it quickly became a very fun game. I realized that when you are drunk, people expect you to act strange. So I could dance funny, sing out of tune, tell bad jokes and every one thought it was perfectly normal. I even became quite a popular girl, always entertaining every one.
I had a blast. It was no longer about fitting in or passing time while no one was making sense. It was about the fun. It did not last long, may be a term or two, but it was what I needed at the beginning to gain enough confidence and be silly anyway, without a beer in my hand.

Below is a video of a guy who just shows us what silly dancing can look like .... all over the world!

What is the craziest thing you did to have fun at parties?
7/8/2010 12:25:52 pm

,i>QUOTE: 3. - I quickly noticed that if you did not drink, people thought you were strange.</i>

LOL! I am creative enough, Sophie, to think it's GREAT when someone thinks I'm strange. Means I'm *unique*, which delights me! I don't drink unless I enjoy what I'm drinking, hence it's *rarely* ever alcohol.

Whenever someone said I was strange in college, I would THANK THEM for the compliment and smile! :D

Many blessings,


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