I have been practicing what some call the principles of the Law of Attraction for about 7 years now and the abundance it has brought me has been amazing (ask me where I am right now… hint: it involves croissant and a funny looking metallic tourJ)

One thing I have learned before anything else is this: abundance comes your way when you are not looking for it. The less you worry about it, the less you think about it, the faster and the more it comes, as long as you feel good. Because really, abundance is one expression of joy and joy is our ultimate purpose in life.

So not only will going to do the things that feel good provide that ultimate feeling of joy and excitement your spirit craves, it will also allow to not focus on the abundance you are seeking and guess what, when you expect it the least, the abundance will flow!

This is why our best ideas come when we are taking a shower, walking the dog, putting our kids to bed, etc.

So here is my recipe:

1 - Go do something fun (or make the mundane fun)

-  Enjoy it, milk it, bask in it

-       Receive with open arms more than you ever thought possible.

My two cents J



jennifer tilley
8/12/2010 10:05:57 am

aka: when you least expect it... expect it!!!


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